Patient Grissill, 1603 /
by "Henry Chettle, William Haughton and Thomas Dekker" ; date of the first known edition, 1603 (British Museum C 3. a. 19.) entered in Henslowe's diary, 1599 ; reproduced in facsimile, 1911.
- Language(s)
- Published
London, Tudor facsimile texts, 1911.
- Note
Original title: The Pleasant Comodie of Patient Grissill. As it hath beene sundrie times lately plaid by the right honorable the Earle of Nottingham (Lord high Admirall) his seruants. London, Imprinted for Henry Rocket, 1603. (With spurious (?) autograph of "William Shakespeare" across the t.-p.)
Original title: The Pleasant Comodie of Patient Grissill. As it hath beene sundrie times lately plaid by the right honorable the Earle of Nottingham (Lord high Admirall) his seruants. London, Imprinted for Henry Rocket, 1603. (With spurious (?) autograph of "William Shakespeare" across the t.-p.)
- Physical Description
[82] p.
27 cm.
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