[Pamphlets and reprints]



Item Link Original Source
Full view   Die Klassiker und das Wahlsystem. undated University of Michigan
Full view   Some light on the British idealistic movement in the nineteenth century. undated University of Michigan
Full view   The halo of a hundred years (February, 1809 to February, 1909). 1909 University of Michigan
Full view   The university extension movement in Scotland. 1895. [Pamphlet] University of Michigan
Full view   Philosophy in American colleges. 1897 University of Michigan
Full view   The present and future of religious thought in Scotland. 1897 University of Michigan
Full view   The Basis of Religion - a fragment. The American Intercollegian. 1898 University of Michigan
Full view   Lectures and Essays on Natural Theology and Ethics, 1898. by William Wallace. from: The American Journal of Theology University of Michigan
Full view   Rudyard Kipling--rhapsodist. 1899 University of Michigan
Full view   An unrecognized achievement. 1899 University of Michigan
Full view   Rudyard Kipling--poet. 1899 University of Michigan
Full view   The changing temper of modern thought. 1900 University of Michigan
Limited (search only)   The valley of decision. 1901 University of Michigan
Full view   Science and philosophy. 1901 University of Michigan
Limited (search only)   Academic freedom. 1902 University of Michigan
Full view   A philosophical, anatomical, and psychological study of Christian Science. 1903 University of Michigan
Full view   The affinity of Plato's "Republic" for modern thought. 1905 University of Michigan
Full view   The nature of culture studies. 1905 University of Michigan
Full view   The University in the United States. 1907 University of Michigan
Full view   Planktonkunde, 1910. and Leitfaden der Planktonkunde. by Dr. Adolph Steuer. from: Science, [N.S. Vol. xxxv. No. 902], 1912 University of Michigan
Full view   The Ann Arbor School of Religion. 1910 University of Michigan
Full view   John Dalton and his achievement. 1910 University of Michigan
Full view   The classics and the elective system. 1910 University of Michigan
Full view   Christianity: The way in. 1910 University of Michigan
Full view   The pleasures of reading. 1911 University of Michigan
Full view   In quest of progress. 1912 University of Michigan
Full view   Science and the Human Mind, a Critical and Historical Account of the Development of Natural Knowledge, 1912. by William Cecil Dampier Whetham. from: Science, 1913 University of Michigan
Full view   The Oxford doctorate of philosophy. 1918 University of Michigan
Full view   The University of Michigan in the war. 1918 University of Michigan
Full view   A Commentary to Kant's "Critique of Pure Reason, 1918. by Norman Kemp Smith. from: The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods, 1918 University of Michigan
Full view   Reckless tenants. 1919 University of Michigan
Full view   Nietzsche, sa Vie et sa Pensee: Les Precurseurs de Nietzsche, 1920. by Charles Andler. from: The Journal of Philosophy, 1921 University of Michigan
Full view   Nietzsche, sa Vie et sa Pensee. Vol. III; Le Pessimisme Esthetique de Nietzsche, sa Philosophie a l'Epoque Wagnerienne, 1921. by Charles Andler. from: The Journal of Philosophy, 1922 University of Michigan
Full view   Nietzsche, sa Vie et sa Pensee: Vol. II; La Jeunesse de Nietzsche jusqu' a la Rupture avec Bayreuth, 1921. by Charles Andler. from: The Journal of Philosophy, 1922 University of Michigan
Full view   Henry Carter Adams. 1922 University of Michigan
Full view   Marian Evans and "George Eliot." 1922 University of Michigan
Full view   Nietzsche, et le Transformisme Intellectualiste: la Philosophie de sa Periode Francaise, 1922. by Charles Andler. from: The Journal of Philosophy, 1924 University of Michigan
Full view   Beati possidentes. 1923 University of Michigan
Full view   Immanuel Kant. 1924 University of Michigan
Full view   Kant and theology. 1924 University of Michigan
Limited (search only)   Huxley's agnosticism. 1925 University of Michigan
Full view   Speculations concerning conditions accountable for characteristics of British culture which puzzle us in America. 1928. Address given to Michigan Authors Association, Detroit University of Michigan
Limited (search only)   'Tis sixty years since. 1929 University of Michigan