[Pamphlets and reprints].



Item Link Original Source
Limited (search only)   New uses for old materials. Undated. University of Michigan
Full view   Origin of the Sulphur deposits at the Woolmigh Quarry, Monroe County Mich. One the occurance and distribution of Celestite bearing rocks. Undated. University of Michigan
Limited (search only)   Opportunities for summer study. March 18, 1933 University of Michigan
Limited (search only)   Unfolding crystal. Oct. 27, 1945 University of Michigan
Limited (search only)   Might of a crystal. Oct. 28, 1944 University of Michigan
Limited (search only)   Development of pharmaceutical education. May 30, 1930 University of Michigan
Limited (search only)   Standardizing the nomenclature of gems. [Page 147, Spring 1949, ãGems and gemologyä.] University of Michigan
Limited (search only)   Gemology in North America [Page 383, Spring 1947, ãGems and gemology.] University of Michigan
Full view   Occur[r]ence and distribution of Celestite-bearing rocks. April 1905. University of Michigan
Full view   Datolite from Westfield, Massachusetts. [With Cook] July 1906 University of Michigan
Full view   Uber Datolith von Westfield, Mass. 1906 University of Michigan
Full view   Vorkommen von Schwefel und Colestin bei Maybee, Michigan 1906 University of Michigan
Full view   Iodyrite from Tonopah, Nevada and Broken Hill, South Wales. March 1909 University of Michigan
Full view   Jodyrit von Tonopah, Nevada und Broken Hill, New South Wales. 1909 University of Michigan
Full view   Eine neue Jollyâsche federwage zur Bestimmung des spezifishon Gewichts. 1911 University of Michigan
Full view   Lead Silicates. April 1912 University of Michigan
Full view   Uber die Anderungen des optischen Achsenwinkels in Gips mit der Temperatur. 1912 University of Michigan
Full view   Die optischen Eigenschaften einiger Bleisilikate. 1912 University of Michigan
Full view   Die Anderungen des optischen Axenwinkels im Glauberit mit der Temperatur. 1913 University of Michigan
Full view   Chemical composition of Bornite and its relation to other sulpho-minerals. June 1914 University of Michigan
Full view   Uber die chemische Zusammensetzung des Buntkupfererzes und dessen Beziehung zu einer nueun Klasifikation der Sulfomineralien. 1914 University of Michigan
Full view   Ein neuer Erhitzungsapparat zur Bestimmung der Anderungen des optischen Achsenwinkels bei hoheren Temperaturen. 1914 University of Michigan
Full view   Datolite from Great Notch, New Jersey. June 1915 University of Michigan
Full view   Manganhaltiger Albit von Kalifornien. 1915 University of Michigan
Full view   Note on the variable composition of Melanochalcite. Feb. 1916 University of Michigan
Full view   Uber Anglesit von dem Tinticdistrikt, Utah. 1916 University of Michigan
Full view   Some new thermo-optical observations on gypsum and glauberite. [With Peck] 1917 University of Michigan
Full view   New mineralogical laboratory at the University Of Michigan. May 1919 University of Michigan
Full view   Mineralogy for students of Dentistry. Dec. 1922 University of Michigan
Limited (search only)   Combined curriculum in pharmacy and medicine. April 1924 University of Michigan
Full view   Some unusual specimens of "float" copper. Feb. 1924 University of Michigan
Full view   Presidential address: Some problems in pharmaceutical education. Oct. 1926 University of Michigan
Full view   Calculating jolly balance. July, 1926 University of Michigan
Full view   Memorial of Paul Heinrich von Groth. March 1928 University of Michigan
Limited (search only)   First ten years of the Mineralogical Society of America. March 1930 University of Michigan
Limited (search only)   Seamanite, an new manganese phosphor-borate from Iron County, Michigan. June 1930 University of Michigan
Limited (search only)   Krausite, a new sulfate from California. Sept. 1931 University of Michigan
Limited (search only)   Some pertinent aspects of higher education. July 1931 University of Michigan
Limited (search only)   Memorial of Friedrich J.K. Becke. June 1932 University of Michigan
Limited (search only)   Memorial of Frank Robertson van Horn. March 1934 University of Michigan
Limited (search only)   Memorial of Reinhard Brauns. March 1938 University of Michigan
Limited (search only)   Notable centennial in American mineralogy. March 1938 University of Michigan
Limited (search only)   Presentation of the first Roebling medal of the Mineralogical Society of America to Charles Palache. Jan. 1938 University of Michigan
Limited (search only)   Variation of hardness in the diamond. 1939 University of Michigan
Limited (search only)   Mineralogy. June 1941 University of Michigan
Limited (search only)   Symposium on diamonds. Dec. 1941 University of Michigan
Limited (search only)   Symposium on diamonds. 1943 University of Michigan
Limited (search only)   World responsibilities of education. Oct. 1944 University of Michigan
Limited (search only)   Presentation of the Roebling medal of the Mineralogical Society to Edward H. Kraus. Acceptance by Kraus. 1945 University of Michigan
Limited (search only)   Third symposium on diamonds. 1946 University of Michigan
Limited (search only)   Presentation of the Roebling medal of the Mineralogical Society by Edward H. Kraus. Acceptance by Paul Niggli. 1948 University of Michigan