[Pamphlets and reprints]



Item Link Original Source
Full view   American Revolution by Picture and Word, Ann Arbor and Michigan. Undated University of Michigan
Limited (search only)   Die Wichtigkeit der neuen deutschen Erziehung fŸr America. Undated University of Michigan
Full view   Luther's Attitude Toward Language Study University of Michigan
Full view   Luther's Use of the Bible in German Before l522, l9l2 (18th annual mtg. of MLA) University of Michigan
Full view   Guide for the Study of Heyse's L'Arrabbiata with Questions for Grammar Review, l900 University of Michigan
Full view   Remarks on the Direct Method of Teaching German, l903 University of Michigan
Full view   Kapital aus Luthers Bibeluber ekungen (text ausgabe), l904 University of Michigan
Full view   Report of the Meeting of the Modern Language Association, l904 University of Michigan
Full view   Report on some Eschenburg Manuscripts, l909 University of Michigan
Full view   Luther's use of the Pre-Lutheran Versions of the Bible, l911 (29th annual mtg. of MLA) University of Michigan
Full view   Modern elements in Luther's Educational Writings, 1910 University of Michigan
Full view   Offenburg and Freiburg Resolutions, and the Influence of the Classics, 1919 University of Michigan