Limited (search only) The reincarnation of Richard Warrington, undated.
University of Michigan
Limited (search only) Profound lesions within the pelvis resulting from gonorrhea giving rise to distressing indigestion, mal-nutrition, etc. undated.
University of Michigan
Limited (search only)
University of Michigan
Limited (search only) The other side of the question, undated.
University of Michigan
Limited (search only) Gynaecological Clinic. University of Michigan. Homoeopathic department. Session of 1890-91.
University of Michigan
Limited (search only) Three cases of acute intestinal obstruction, 1891.
University of Michigan
Full view Epilepsy as a histero-neurosis, 1891. Gynecological clinic, University of Michigan Homeopathic department, Session of 1890-1891, 1891.
University of Michigan
Limited (search only) Carcinoma of the uterus, 1896.
University of Michigan
Limited (search only) How can the teaching of the specialties in the undergraduate course be made to serve its true and best purpose - the qualification of the student for general practice, 1898.
University of Michigan
Limited (search only) The medical and surgical treatment of peritonitis, 1899.
University of Michigan
Limited (search only) The relations of homeopathy to allied systems of therapeutics, 1899.
University of Michigan
Limited (search only) Diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and pathology of cystitis and urethritis in women, 1900.
University of Michigan
Limited (search only) Cystic distension of the appendix vermiformis, with the review of the literature of the subject, 1900.
University of Michigan
Limited (search only) The use of the spray in the local treatment of gynecological diseases, 1901.
University of Michigan
Limited (search only) A year's surgical work, 1902.
University of Michigan
Limited (search only) A clinical case with comments, 1904.
University of Michigan
Limited (search only) Pudendal haematocele, 1904.
University of Michigan
Full view A new operation for cystocele, 1905.
University of Michigan
Limited (search only) Obstruction of the bowel due to abnormal contents, 1905.
University of Michigan
Limited (search only) Two cases of appendicitis associated with retroflexion of the uterus and displacement of the ovaries, 1906.
University of Michigan
Limited (search only) Celiotomy during pregnancy--six clinical cases, 1906.
University of Michigan
Limited (search only) Neurasthenia of long standing, the result of numerous lesions with the pelvis-abdomen operation--recovery after prolonged convalescence, 1906.
University of Michigan
Full view An ideal summer outing, 1907.
University of Michigan
Limited (search only) Rhinophyma, 1911.
University of Michigan
Limited (search only) The American college of surgeons and fee-splitting, 1914.
University of Michigan
Limited (search only) A case of heart massage through the diaphragm after apparent death-recovery, 1914.
University of Michigan
Limited (search only) Ectopic pregnancy following ligature and section of fallopian tubes, 1917.
University of Michigan
Limited (search only) The determination of sex, 1918.
University of Michigan
Full view Uncorrected factors perpetuating stomach symptoms after surgical work, 1919.
University of Michigan
Limited (search only) Cervical tears, 1920.
University of Michigan
Limited (search only) The practical application of organotherapy, 1921.
University of Michigan
Limited (search only) Man and his physician, 1928.
University of Michigan
Limited (search only) "Whither homeopathy?", 1929.
University of Michigan
Limited (search only) Is there a scientific concept of homeopathy?, 1931.
University of Michigan
Limited (search only) The creation of a new vagina, 1931.
University of Michigan
Full view Toxicology and homeopathy, 1932.
University of Michigan
Limited (search only) Sterility in women, 1935.
University of Michigan
Limited (search only) The lady or the dog, 1936
University of Michigan
Limited (search only) Keloids following laparotomy, 1937.
University of Michigan