F-4 Service Life Tracking Program (Crack Growth Gages) /
C.R. Saff.
- Language(s)
- Published
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio : Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory, Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories, Air Force Systems Command, United States Air Force, 1979.
- Summary
The objective of this program was to evaluate the ability of a crack growth gage to monitor potential crack growth damage in fatigue critical locations of F-4C/D aircraft structure. Crack growth gages were designed for use on the lower wing skin of F-4 aircraft. An element test program was performed to verify gage design and provide data for predicting gage behavior when attached to the fatigue test article. Results of those tests prompted performance of a supplemental test program to investigate effects of sheet thickness on crack growth retardation. Results from both of these test programs were used to develop procedures to predict crack growth in gages attached to the fatigue test article. Eight gages were bonded to the test article using room temperature cure adhesive after an elevated cure temperature adhesive failed. Results show gage crack growth is predictable. Analysis results.
- Note
"This report was prepared by McDonnell Aircraft Company (MCAIR), St. Louis, Missouri."
ADA083978 (from http://www.dtic.mil).
"December 1979."
- Physical Description
xviii, 123 pages :
illustrations, figures, tables ;
28 cm
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