Consolidated library of modern cooking and household recipes /
Christine Terhune Herrick, editor-in-chief.
- Language(s)
- Published
New York : R. J. Bodmer company, 1904.
- Note
Includes index.
Vol. 5. Sample chapter titles: Nuts and their uses, wines of France, liqueurs and bitters, and menu terms in foreign languages. Sample recipe titles: Rum omelet, May wine, din rickey, and the real Georgia mint julep.
Vol. 4. Sample chapter titles: Sandwiches, jelly, baked puddings, and candies. Sample recipe titles: Creole rice, curried lentils, Parker House rolls, corn fritters, snow pancakes, salad whales, and cooked cream walnuts.
Vol. 3. Sample chapter titles: Soup stock, mutton, duck, plover, and entrees. Sample recipe titles: Cream of sago soup, coquilles of fish, India sauce, spiced pressed beef, and sheep's toungues in aspic.
Vol. 2. Sample chapter titles: Food, foods of vegetable origin, building fires, stewinf, roasting, cookery for invalids, and home chats. Sample recipe titles: Oyster stew, dropped eggs, beef soup, and fried scrapple. Sample food lists are provided on p. 119 - 124. Costs for ingredients are shown on p. 294 - 295.
Vol. 1. Sample chapter titles: Formal dinner, informal dinner, afternoon teas, table manners, weddings, and correspondence.
Some recipes include wine or liquor as ingredients.
- Physical Description
5 v. :
fronts. plates. ;
23 cm