Io. Francisci Bvddei Isagoge historico-theologica ad theologiam vniversam singulasqve eivs partes :
novis svpplementis avctior.
- Language(s)
- Published
Lipsiae : Ex officina B. Thomae Fritschii Haeredvm, 1730.
- Note
Includes indexes.
Colophon on p. 194 of Adpendix reads: Ienae : Excvdebat Petrvs Fickelscherr.
T.p. for appendix and indexes reads: Ioan. Francisci Bvddei Historia theologiae litteraria continvata et novis accessionibvs illvstrata sive Isagoges historico-theologicae ad theologiam vniversam singvlasqve eivs partes Adpendix svpplementa tvm vetera; tvm nova, itemqve conspectvm specialem totivs operis vt et indices continens.
Vol. 2 has subtitle: Tomvs posterior, sive Libri posterioris, partisqve adeo specialis sectio posterior historiam ecclesiasticam, theologiam polemicam et exegeticam exhibens.
- Physical Description
2 v. ([14], 764; [765]-1560, 194, [120] p.) :
1 ill., 1 port. ;
23 cm.