[Sharḥ-i Lamaʻāt ... etc.,
901, i.e. 1495 or 1496].
[شرح لمعات ... الخ, 901ه، 1495 يا 1496].
- Language(s)
- Published
[1495 or 1496]
- Subjects
Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī,
Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī, /
Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī, / Maulana, /
Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī, / Maulana, / 1207-1273. /
ʻIrāqī, Fakhr al-Dīn Ibrāhīm,
ʻIrāqī, Fakhr al-Dīn Ibrāhīm, /
ʻIrāqī, Fakhr al-Dīn Ibrāhīm, / -1289? /
Manuscripts, Persian
Manuscripts, Persian /
Manuscripts, Persian / Michigan /
Ann Arbor.
Sufism /
Early works to 1800.
Sufi poetry, Persian
Sufi poetry, Persian /
Early works to 1800.
- Summary
Fine collection (majmūʻah) of several works including Jāmī's commentary on the Lamaʻāt of Fakhr al-Dīn Ibrāhīm al-ʻIrāqī (d.1289), glosses on the Mas̲navī of Rūmī, and other excerpts.
- Note
Shelfmark: Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Special Collections Research Center, Isl. Ms. 263
Origin: As appears at close of Risālahʼ-i Sharḥ-i ḥadīs̲, transcription completed [?] 901 [1495 or 6]. Paper, etc. certainly suggest 15th century.
Former shelfmark: "438 T. De M. [i.e. Tammaro De Marinis]" inscribed in pencil on recto of front flyleaf (p.1).
Binding: Heavy pasteboards covered in painted lacquerwork, spine in black leather ; Type III binding (without flap, two-piece binding, overlapping flanges visible at spine) ; doublures in fine painted lacquerwork with paintings of a tall narcissus-like plant with leaves in shades of green and flowers and buds in yellow with pink accents at the head of a central stalk, all on a red ground with border in black with gold accents (composition of upper doublure mirrors that of lower doublure) ; upper and lower covers bear paintings of nearly identical floral composition in mirror image to one another on a deep golden-orange or bronze-colored background, namely a central cluster of peonies, poppies, tulips, pansies, etc. with additional buds and floral forms filling the main panel all in shades of pink, light blue, lavender, and white with leaves in various shades of green, and surrounded by decorative band of floral vegetal motifs on a dark red-bronze ground framed in black borders with gold accents ; sewn in dark turquoise thread, two stations ; worked chevron endbands in dark turquoise and red, good condition (protected by leather extending from spine) ; overall in fairly good condition with only minor abrasion and losses to lacquer, etc. ; textblock has certainly been trimmed (some leaves folded to retain marginalia) ; now housed in box for protection.
Support: non-European (likely Persian) laid paper with 7 laid lines per cm. (horizontal) and rare single chain lines visible, sturdy, well-sized and burnished, inclusions ; staining and tide-lines ; added leaves at opening and close in European laid paper with 7-8 laid lines per cm. (vertical), chain lines spaced 28-29 mm. apart (horizontal), and watermarks of star (p.2) and crescent (p.4) visible.
Decoration: Keywords, some notabilia, etc. rubricated ; overlining in red ; textual dividers in the form of inverted commas in red.
Script: Nastaʻlīq (talik) ; elegant hand ; serifless, with marked effect of words descending to baseline, closed counters, and elongated horizontal strokes.
Layout: Written in 15 lines per page ; frame-ruled.
Collation: II+1 (5), 16 IV(133), IV+1 (142), II (146), 2 IV(162), I (164), i ; almost exclusively quaternions ; catchwords present ; pagination in pencil, Western numerals, supplied during digitization (includes added leaves carrying excerpts at opening and close of codex).
Incipit: [Sharḥ-i Lamaʻāt] "لو لا لمعات برق نور القديم من نحو حمى جود وحى الحريم ..."
Title supplied by cataloguer.
Ms. codex.
Marginal glosses, corrections, and notabilia (side-heads) ; statement on p.309 inscribed by Ibn Ibrāhīm [?] Isḥaq al-Shabastarī ( ابن ابراهيم اسحق الشبسترى ) ; statement accompanying large rectangular seal impression (الواثق بالله الغني عبده الراجى يحيى سنه ١٢۶۱) seemingly dated 1261 [1845 or 6] on p.327 ; statements in Turkish on verso of final leaf (p.328) dated 22 Shawwāl 1210 [ca. 30 April 1796] and 6 Ramaḍān 1212 [ca. 22 February 1798] ; oval seal impression with "كريم ابن ..." also appears on verso of final leaf (p.328) ; another oval seal impression (inscription within"ان الله يحب المحسنين") on back flyleaf ; marginal corrections and notabilia as well as occasional glosses (partially lost to trimming).
- Physical Description
164 :
paper ;
167 x 108 (115 x 65) mm
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University of Michigan