Glossae hibernicae e codicibus wirziburgensi, carolisruhensibus, aliis,
adiuvante Academiae Regiae berolinensis liberalitate edidit Heinricus Zimmer. Accedit specimen scripturae e codice wirziburgensi.
- Language(s)
- Published
Berolini, apud Weidmannos; [etc., etc.] 1881.
- Note
"The work ... [includes] Old-Irish glosses found in ... Latin mss. of the ninth century preserved at Würzburg and Carlsruhe ... the Codex Paulinus, the Priscian and the Beda,"--Stokes, W. The Old-Irish glosses at Würzburg and Carlsruhe, 1887, Prefatory note.
- Physical Description
lix, 288 p.
fold. facsim.
24 cm.