Coronica del muy esforçado [y] inuencible cauallero el Cid ruy diaz campeador delas Españas.
[Aqui fenesce el breue tratado delos nobles fechos y batallas que el buen cauallero Cid ruy diaz vencio con fauor [y] ayuda d'nuestro señor. El qual se acabo a .ij. dias del mes de julio: por Miguel de Eguia: enla muy noble y leal ciudad de Toledo. Enel año de nuestro redemptor [y] saluador jesu Christo de mil [y] quinientos [y] veynte [y] seys años.].
- Language(s)
- Published
[New York], [De Vinne Press], [1903]
- Note
For a list of the editions cf. Escudero y Perosso. Tip. hispalense, no. 71.
The first known edition of this Crónica del Cid Ruy Díaz ("Crońica popular") consisting of sixty-two chapters, appeared in Seville, 1498, from the press of the "Tres compañeros alemanos." (Haebler, no. 173.).
Gothic type; initials; on [a1] recto: vignette, representing armed camp under the walls of a city, and title within architectural border; on [f12] recto, woodcut, within border, men at arms, fighting.
Facsimile reprint of Palau y Dulcet. Manual del librero hispanoamericano, no. 54487.
Dedication to Julio A. Roca, p. [1] at front; signatures: a-e⁸, f¹²; note: "Of this edition two hundred copies were printed in facsimile from the copy in the library of Archer M. Huntington, at the DeVinne Press, in New York City, in the month of November, 1903", p. [1] at end.
Author statement and imprint of 1526 ed. from colophon.
- Physical Description
[1] page,
facsimile ([102] pages, plate (woodcut)) 1 pages
30 cm
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University of California