Large pelagic logbook newsletter, 1994 /
by Jean Cramer.
- Main Author
- Cramer, Jean
- Related Names
United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Southeast Fisheries Science Center (U.S.). Miami Laboratory.
- Language(s)
- English
- Published
Miami, Fla. : Southeast Fisheries Science Center, Miami Laboratory, 1995.
- Subjects
Pelagic fishes.
Fishing surveys.
Fisheries > Fisheries / Catch effort.
Big game fishing.
Fishing surveys > Fishing surveys / Periodicals.
Big game fishing > Big game fishing / Statistics > Big game fishing / Statistics / Periodicals.
Fisheries > Fisheries / Catch effort > Fisheries / Catch effort / Periodicals.
Pelagic fishes > Pelagic fishes / Geographical distribution > Pelagic fishes / Geographical distribution / Periodicals.
Pelagic fishes > Pelagic fishes / Atlantic Coast (U.S.) > Pelagic fishes / Atlantic Coast (U.S.) / Periodicals.
United States > United States / Atlantic Coast.
- Summary
"This is the fifth annual Large Pelagic Logbook Newsletter. The primary purpose of this report is to summarize data and activities related to the mandatory large pelagics logbook and observer programs. This newsletter serves as a vehicle for dissemination of information to those directly involved in the fishery. In addition to updating catch, effort, CPUE, and location information, and detailing revisions to logbook reporting in 1996, this year's newsletter includes section pertaining to swordfish stock status, bycatch, mandatory dealer reporting, the longline observer program, and other related studies"--Page 1, paragraph 1.
- Note
"Contribution MIA-9596 - from the Southeast Fisheries Science Center, Miami Laboratory, Oceanic Pelagics Division."--Page ii.
"November 1995."
Also available online in PDF format.
- Physical Description
ii, 33 pages :
illustrations ;
28 cm.
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