The true difference betweene Christian subiection and unchristian rebellion :
wherein the princes lawful power to command for truth, and indepriueable right to beare the sword, are defended against the Popes censures and the Iesuits sophismes, vttered in their apologie and defence of English Catholikes ; with a demonstration that the things reformed in the Church of England by the lawes of this realme are truly Catholike...
APA Citation
Bilson, T., Puritan Collection of English and American Literature (Princeton Theological Seminary). (1586). The true difference betweene Christian subiection and unchristian rebellion: wherein the princes lawful power to command for truth, and indepriueable right to beare the sword, are defended against the Popes censures and the Iesuits sophismes, vttered in their apologie and defence of English Catholikes ; with a demonstration that the things reformed in the Church of England by the lawes of this realme are truly Catholike... London: Imprinted by Iohn Iackson and Edmund Bollifant.
MLA Citation
Bilson, Thomas, 1546 or 1547-1616, and Puritan Collection of English and American Literature (Princeton Theological Seminary). The True Difference Betweene Christian Subiection And Unchristian Rebellion: Wherein the Princes Lawful Power to Command for Truth, And Indepriueable Right to Beare the Sword, Are Defended Against the Popes Censures And the Iesuits Sophismes, Vttered In Their Apologie And Defence of English Catholikes ; With a Demonstration That the Things Reformed In the Church of England by the Lawes of This Realme Are Truly Catholike... London: Imprinted by Iohn Iackson and Edmund Bollifant, 1586.