A harmonie vpon the three Euangelistes Matthewe, Marke, and Luke :
with the commentarie of M Iohn Caluine: faithfully translated out of Latine into English, by E.P. Whereunto is also added a commentarie vpon the Euangelist S. Iohn, by the same authour.
- Related Names
Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.
Dawson, Thomas, -1620, printer.
Adams, Thomas, -1620, bookseller.
Fetherston, Christopher, translator.
Pagit, Eusebius, 1547?-1617, translator.
- Language(s)
- Published
Londini : Impensis Thom. Adams, 1610.
- Note
Includes index.
"The holy Gospel of Iesus Christ, according to Iohn, with the commentarie of M. Iohn Caluine: faithfully translated out of Latine into english by Christopher Fetherstone .." has separate divisional title, pagination and register.
Head- & tail-pieces; initials.
Title within ornamental border.
Leaf 3E4 blank; leaf ²[par.]1 blank except for fleuron on recto.
Signatures: pi² [par.]⁴ [2par.]² [superscript pi]A⁸ [superscript pi]B⁴ [triangle of 3 dots]⁴ A-3D⁸ 3E⁴, ²[par.]⁴, ²A-2G⁸, ²2H⁴( -2H4).
Colophon: Imprinted at London by Thomas Dawson for Thomas Adams. 1610.
- Physical Description
48 unnumbered pages, 806 pages, 10 unnumbered pages, 464 pages, 22 unnumbered pages ;
20 cm (quarto)
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Princeton Theological Seminary