Raisons pour l'opposition de Messieurs du clergé & de la noblesse à l'article proposé par aucuns en la chambre du Tiers Estat.
- Language(s)
- Published
[France?] : [publisher not identified], MDCXV [1615]
- Summary
"One major point of dispute at the meeting the Estates General of 1614-1615 concerned the religious views of the Clergy and the Nobility versus that of the Third Estate. On the one hand, the Clergy wished for the decrees of the Council of Trent to hold sway in France. On the other hand, the Third Estate wished to preserve the Gallicanism which had so far prevailed in the French Church. This pamphlet voices the opposition of the Clergy and the Nobility to the wishes of the Third Estate"--French Political Pamphlets Digital Collection, Brigham Young University.
- Note
Signatures: A-F⁴ G1.
Also available via the World Wide Web.
- Physical Description
50 pages ;
17 cm (8vo)
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University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill