Ordre obserué en la conuocation, & assemblée des estats generaux de France, tenuz en la ville de Paris en l'annee mil six cens quatorze :
auec les noms, surnoms, & qualitez des deputez des trois ordres : ensemble la diuision des bailliages en douze gouuernements, pour opiner esdictes chambres, ainsi qu'il se peut voir par la carte & figure de chasque chambre.
- Language(s)
- Published
A Paris : Chez Ioseph Bouillerot, ruë de la Calandre, [1615]
- Summary
"Grelin, Usher of the Estates-General, provides an extremely useful listing of the deputies to the Estates General in their voting order"--French Political Pamphlets Digital Collection, Brigham Young University.
- Note
Page numbers 9-16 repeated in numbering.
Privilege granted to Henry Grelin dated 13 January 1615 & transferred to Bouillerot and Saugrain dated 9 March 1615--Page 56 (that is, 64).
Publication date from Lindsay, R.O. French political pamphlets, 1547-1648, entry 3415, printed by Abraham Saugrain and bearing the same misnumbering as the Bouillerot edition.
Title ornament; head-piece; initial.
Signatures: A-H⁴.
Also available via the World Wide Web.
- Physical Description
56 (that is, 64) pages ;
16 cm (8vo)
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University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill