Exhortation aux parisiens, et allegresse a tous bons François, sur la deliberation et bonne volonté des princes enuers nostre tres-chrestien roy de France & de Nauarre :
avec des propheties memorables, pour le bon-heur de sa Majesté.
- Language(s)
- Published
A Paris : Par Fleury Bourriquant, en l'Isle du Palais, ruë traversante, aux Fleurs Royales, MDCXIIII [1614]
- Summary
"The author compares the benefits of peace with the horrors of war, using numerous erudite and classical references. Hostilities must be avoided - even with cannibals, Turks, Tartars and other enemies of France. The work is written for the benefit of the crown and the princes who are meeting to work their differences"--French Political Pamphlets Digital Collection, Brigham Young University.
- Note
Head-pieces; initial.
Printer's device on title page.
Signatures: A-B⁴.
Also available via the World Wide Web.
- Physical Description
16 pages ;
17 cm (8vo)
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University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill