The Nature, folly, sin and danger of being righteous overmuch, with a particular view to the doctrines and practices of certain modern enthusiasts :
being the substance of four discourses lately preached in the Parish-churches of Christ-Church, and St. Lawrence Jewry, London ; and St. Martin's in the Fields, Westminster /
by Joseph Trapp.
APA Citation
Trapp, J. (1739). The Nature, folly, sin and danger of being righteous overmuch, with a particular view to the doctrines and practices of certain modern enthusiasts: being the substance of four discourses lately preached in the Parish-churches of Christ-Church, and St. Lawrence Jewry, London ; and St. Martin's in the Fields, Westminster. Third edition. London: Printed for S. Austen [etc.].
MLA Citation
Trapp, Joseph, 1679-1747. The Nature, Folly, Sin And Danger of Being Righteous Overmuch, With a Particular View to the Doctrines And Practices of Certain Modern Enthusiasts: Being the Substance of Four Discourses Lately Preached In the Parish-churches of Christ-Church, And St. Lawrence Jewry, London ; And St. Martin's In the Fields, Westminster. Third edition. London: Printed for S. Austen [etc.], 1739.