Yeshaʻyah :
[perush be-ʻAravit].
ישעיה [פרוש בערבית].
- Related Names
Kimhi, David, approximately 1160-approximately 1235.
Kimḥi, Joseph, approximately 1105-approximately 1170.
Ibn Janāḥ, Abū al-Walīd Marwān, approximately 990-approximately 1050.
Rashi, 1040-1105.
Ibn Ezra, Abraham ben Meïr, 1089-1164.
Cordovero, Moses ben Jacob, 1522-1570.
Hebrew Manuscripts (Columbia University Libraries)
- Language(s)
- Published
[Place of publication not identified], [16--]
- Summary
A fragment of a commentary on Isaiah in Judeo-Arabic.
- Note
Manuscript written on paper in Oriental handwriting.
Also available on microfilm.
- Physical Description
40 leaves :
paper ;
20 x 16 cm