Three men in a boat, to say nothing of the dog :
Three men on the bummel /
Jerome K. Jerome ; introduction by D.C. Browning.
- Main Author
- Jerome, Jerome K. (Jerome Klapka), 1859-1927
- Related Names
Jerome, Jerome K. (Jerome Klapka), 1859-1927.
Browning, D. C. (David Clayton), 1894-1978, writer of introduction.
- Language(s)
- English
- Published
London : J.M. Dent ; [1957]
- Subjects
English prose literature.
Boats and boating.
English fiction.
Male friendship.
Roman anglais > Roman anglais / 20e siècle.
Roman anglais > Roman anglais / 19e siècle.
Cyclisme > Cyclisme / Romans, nouvelles, etc.
Amitié masculine > Amitié masculine / Romans, nouvelles, etc.
English fiction > English fiction / 20th century.
English fiction > English fiction / 19th century.
Cycling > Cycling / Fiction.
Boats and boating > Boats and boating / Fiction.
Male friendship > Male friendship / Fiction.
England > England / Thames River.
Germany > Germany / Black Forest.
Forêt-Noire (Allemagne) > Forêt-Noire (Allemagne) / Romans, nouvelles, etc.
Tamise (Angleterre : Fleuve) > Tamise (Angleterre : Fleuve) / Romans, nouvelles, etc.
Black Forest (Germany) > Black Forest (Germany) / Fiction.
Thames River (England) > Thames River (England) / Fiction.
English fiction.
Humorous fiction.
English fiction
- Summary
Three men on the bummel : The sequel brings back the three companions who figured in Three Men in a Boat, this time on a bicycle tour through the German Black Forest.
Three men in a boat: Classic fictionalized tale about a boating trip up the Thames with two friends and a dog.
- Physical Description
xv, 353 pages ;
19 cm
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