Transumptum literarum Sanctissimo D[omi]no n[ost]ro D. Paulo PP. IIII directarum in quibus enuntiatur nouum miraculum à diuina potentia in Regno Poloniae nuper editum in Sacramento Sanctissimae Eucharistiae.
- Corporate Author
- Catholic Church. Pope (1555-1559 : Paul IV)
- Related Names
Blado, Antonio, 1490-1567, printer.
- Language(s)
- Latin
- Published
Romae : Apud Antonium Bladum Impressorem Camer., anno MDLVI [1556]
- Subjects
Host desecration accusation.
Juifs > Juifs / Pologne > Juifs / Pologne / Łowicz > Juifs / Pologne / Łowicz / Histoire > Juifs / Pologne / Łowicz / Histoire / 16e siècle.
Miracles > Miracles / Pologne > Miracles / Pologne / Łowicz > Miracles / Pologne / Łowicz / Ouvrages avant 1800.
Antisémitisme > Antisémitisme / Pologne > Antisémitisme / Pologne / Łowicz > Antisémitisme / Pologne / Łowicz / Ouvrages avant 1800.
Jews > Jews / Poland > Jews / Poland / Łowicz > Jews / Poland / Łowicz / History > Jews / Poland / Łowicz / History / 16th century.
Miracles > Miracles / Poland > Miracles / Poland / Łowicz > Miracles / Poland / Łowicz / Early works to 1800.
Antisemitism > Antisemitism / Poland > Antisemitism / Poland / Łowicz > Antisemitism / Poland / Łowicz / Early works to 1800.
Host desecration accusation > Host desecration accusation / Poland > Host desecration accusation / Poland / Łowicz > Host desecration accusation / Poland / Łowicz / Early works to 1800.
Poland > Poland / Łowicz.
Łowicz (Poland) > Łowicz (Poland) / Church history > Łowicz (Poland) / Church history / 16th century.
Early works.
Church history.
- Summary
Account of a "miracle" in a small town near Łowicz, Poland, in which three Jews--Michalek, Socha, and Joseph--attempt to pierce an uneaten host with needles and swords, and witness enough blood pouring from it to fill a small flask. The three men, and the woman who sold them the host, are burned to death.
- Note
Not in Fumagalli, Ascarelli, or BM STC Italian.
Signatures: A⁴.
Woodcuts: large title vignette (two angels holding the Host, with caption below, "Verbu caro factu est"); one large historiated initial.
- Physical Description
[8] pages (last pages blank) ;
19 cm (4to)
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