Toxicity studies of Coolanol 15 /
by Ralph F. Ziegler, Farrel R. Robinson, and David T. Harper.
- Language(s)
- Published
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio : Aerospace Medical Research Laboratories, Aerospace Medical Division, Air Force Systems Command, United States Air Force, 1965.
- Summary
Coolanol 15* (formerly designated MCS 198), a synthetic heat transfer fluid, is currently being used in the heat transfer systems of manned spacecraft. The current studies were undertaken to confirm or refute previously reported effects on the central nervous system and to acquire additional information on the toxicity of this compound. The effects of single intraperitoneal injections in mice and rats, repeated subcutaneous injections in rabbits, and the repeated cutaneous application on the unabraded skin of rabbits, monkeys, and dogs were investigated. Parenteral injection revealed that Coolanol 15 is relatively nontoxic. The LD50 for mice was found to be greater than 20.0 gm (22,2 ml) per kg at 24 hours and 5.9 gm (6.6ml) per kg at 7 and 14 days. Repeated subcutaneous injections in rabbits resulted primarily in localized reactions at injection sites. The only effects which could be directly attributed to the cutaneous application of 3.6 gm (4.0 ml) per kg per day for 20 days involved the skin. Drying and encrustation and/or desquamation of the superficial layers of the skin were the principal lesions observed clinically while microscopic examination revealed varying degrees of hyperkeratosis and cellular infiltration. These studies failed to confirm the previously reported lesions in the central nervous system attributed to Coolanol 15. (*Trade mark.).
- Note
"December 1965."
- Physical Description
iv, 12 pages :
illustrations ;
28 cm.
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