A review of efforts to organize information about human learning, transfer, and retention /
Rose Ginsberg [and four others].
- Language(s)
- Published
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio : Aerospace Medical Research Laboratories, Aerospace Medical Division, Air Force Systems Command, 1966.
- Summary
"Efforts pertaining to organizing available information on human learning, transfer, and retention are summarized and evaluated on six criteria: behavioral significance of categories, scope, objectivity and reliability of categories, prognosis for the system, logical structure, and heuristic value of the system. Attention is also given to several other sources of guidance for organizing information on human learning. The review indicates at least six major approaches to a taxonomy of human learning. The bases for these different approaches are: (1) general or limited theoretical factors, (2) conditions of learning including the learner, (3) individual differences, (4) physical characteristics of learning tasks, (5) task characteristics in relation to empirical variables, and (6) task characteristics in relation to learning principles. In some cases the approaches are combined. The major conclusion is that although some contributions have been made to a general organization of information on human learning, intense and detailed efforts toward a comprehensive taxonomy are only in a preliminary formative phase."--Abstract.
- Note
Prepared under Contract AF 33(615)-2951 with San Jose State College. This research is a portion of Project 7907 "Research on Human Learning and Motivation", Task 790701 "Human Learning Education and Training."
- Physical Description
iv, 34 pages :
illustrations ;
28 cm.
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