Calculation of the boundary-layer flow in the windward symmetry plane of a spherically blunted axisymmetric body at angle of attack, including streamline-swallowing effects /
Arloe W. Mayne, Jr.
- Language(s)
- Published
Arnold Air Force Base, Tennessee : Von Kármán Gas Dynamics Facility, Arnold Engineering Development Center, Air Force Systems Command, United States Air Force, 1973.
- Summary
Three-dimensional compressible boundary-layer equations are particularized to the windward symmetry plane of a spherically blunted axisymmetric body at incidence under hypersonic conditions. Through the use eddy transport and streamwise intermittency both transitional and fully turbulent boundary layers may be treated. A scheme is presented for determining the outer-edge boundary conditions based on a mass flow balance treatment of the boundary-layer entrainment of the inviscid flow. A finite-difference technique is described for solving the set of partial differential equation governing the boundary-layer flow, and for treating the streamline-swallowing phenomenon.
- Note
Report was prepared by ARO, Inc., a subsidiary of Sverdrup & Parcel and Associates, Inc.
"Final Report : September 1971 to December 1972."
"October 1973"--Cover
- Physical Description
ix, 44 pages :
illustrations ;
27 cm
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