Documentation of the Phase III 0.192-scale Northrop/McDonnell-Douglas F-18 inlet performance test at mach numbers 0 to 1.55 /
Jimmy Walker.
APA Citation
Walker, J., Sverdrup Corporation., United States. Naval Air Systems Command., Arnold Engineering Development Center. (1978). Documentation of the Phase III 0.192-scale Northrop/McDonnell-Douglas F-18 inlet performance test at mach numbers 0 to 1.55. Arnold Air Force Base, Tennessee: Arnold Engineering Development Center, Air Force Systems Command, United States Air Force.
MLA Citation
Walker, Jimmy, Sverdrup Corporation, United States. Naval Air Systems Command, and Arnold Engineering Development Center. Documentation of the Phase III 0.192-scale Northrop/McDonnell-Douglas F-18 Inlet Performance Test At Mach Numbers 0 to 1.55. Arnold Air Force Base, Tennessee: Arnold Engineering Development Center, Air Force Systems Command, United States Air Force, 1978.