North America East Coast :
Gulf of St. Lawrence and the River to Quebec /
surveyed by Captns. Bayfield & Orlebar, R.N.
- Related Names
Potter, J. D. (John Dennett), active 1830-1892, bookseller.
Kerr, James H.,1837?-1877, surveyor.
Washington, John, 1800-1863, cartographer.
Orlebar, J., 1810-1891, surveyor.
Bayfield, Henry Wolsey, 1795-1885, surveyor.
Great Britain. Admiralty.
J. & C. Walker (Firm)
- Language(s)
- Published
London : Published at the Admiralty, [1871]
- Edition
Corrections March 1871
- Note
Early Canadian nautical maps were referred to as "Bayfield charts" in honour of Henry Wolsey Bayfield who began in the early 1800s charting the waterways of Canada.
"Sold by J.D. Potter, Agent for the sale of the Admiralty Charts, 31 Poultry & 11 King St. Tower Hill."
"J & C Walker Sculpt."
Lighthouses shown in red.
"The outerbanks are principally from the French Charts."
"Newfoundland from the surveys of Cook, Lane, & Bullock with additions from the Surveys of Captn. Orlebar & Staff Comr. Kerr, R.N."
"Published at the Admiralty, March 16th. 1857 under the Superintendence of Captn. Washington, R.N.F.R.S. Hydrographer."
With 11 x 10 cm map extention of the Strait of Belle Isle in upper right hand corner.
Mounted on linen.
Relief shown by hachures and spot heights; depths shown by soundings in fathoms.
- Physical Description
1 map ;
63 x 95 cm folded to 67 x 54 cm
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McGill University