Harbours & Anchorages in the Southern Portion of Newfoundland :
from various documents in the Hydrographic Office
- Related Names
Weller, Edward, 1819-1884, engraver.
Potter, J. D. (John Dennett), active 1830-1892, bookseller.
Bayfield, Henry Wolsey, 1795-1885.
Richards, G. H. (George Henry), cartographer.
Great Britain. Admiralty.
- Language(s)
- Published
London : Published at the Admiralty, [1873]
- Edition
Corrections June 72. Jany. 73.
- Note
Early Canadian nautical maps were referred to as "Bayfield charts" in honour of Henry Wolsey Bayfield who began in the early 1800s charting the waterways of Canada.
"Sold by J.D. Potter, Agent for the sale of the Admiralty Charts, 31 Poultry & 11 King St. Tower Hill."
"Engraved by Edwd. Weller."
"Published at the Admiralty, 15th. April 1872 under the Superintendence of Rear Admiral G.H. Richards, C.B, F.R.S. Hydrographer."
"Price Eighteen Pence."
Lighthouse shown in red.
Includes nine inset maps: West Coast, Red Island Road; Despair Bay, Great Jervis Harbour; Fortune Bay, Harbour Britain; Fortune Bay, Bande de L'Arier St. Jaques & Blue Pinion Hrs.; The Burgeo Islands; Despair Bay, Frenchman's Harbr.; Picarre & Hermitage Coves; Fortune Bay, Boxey Harbour; Fortune Bay, Fortune Anchorage
Mounted on linen.
Relief shown by hachures and spot heights; depths shown by soundings in fathoms.
"As there are no complete Survey of these harbours the Plans must be used with caution."
- Physical Description
1 map ;
45 x 64 cm
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McGill University