La bagatelle, la science, les chimères, le rien, toute et bon :
je soutiens qu'il faut de tout aux entretiens
- Language(s)
- Published
[France?] : [Producer not identified], [between 1810 and 1830]
- Summary
Works contained within bound volumes attributed to a multitude of philosphers, historians and literary figures of the time, including: Dorat, Beaumarchais, Lemercier, Charles Pinot Duclos, l'abbé Raynal, and several pieces by Voltaire. Collection is believed to be based on the model put forth in "Noveaux mélanges philosophiques," (1765) which is also attributed to Voltaire. (Librairie Scriptorial, Catalogue Miscellanées III, 2017, p. 66).
- Note
Pagination: v. 1: [12]; [4], 276 pages; v.2: [2], 262 pages; v. 4: [12], 333 pages; v. 6: 343 pages; v. 11: [16], 301, [1] pages; v. 12: [2], 285, [3] pages.
Each volume written in a neat hand within ruled border, page number in same hand at top centre of each page.
Collection of six bound volumes (Nos 1, 2, 4, 6, 11, 12) of collected works from the 17th,18th, and early 19th centuries. Each volume has title page in hand with number of voume;.volumes 1, 4, and 11 have tables of contents in hand laid loose in at front of each volume.
Approximate dates from texts: written in a 19th century hand; vol. 2, p. 1 has a piece by Elysée de Suleau that was published in Mercure de France, in September 1813 (Librairie Scriptorial, Catalogue Miscellanées III, 2017, p. 68).
Unknown compiler and scribe.
Title page title.
- Physical Description
6 volumes ;
25 cm