- Language(s)
- Published
[between 1800 and 1899]
- Note
The copy is anonymous and undated (mid 13 / 19) century.
The verses are separated by means of three dots arranged in the shape of a triangle and sometimes outlined to give it the shape of a three-petalled florette.
The margins carry a number of corrections marked with the letter khā' (initial form) superscript and the placet (sḥḥa) situated at the end of the correction.
Other textual divisions include niṣf, rub', thumn and sajdah.
Additionally, the word ḥizb is enclosed in a circular medallion divided into eight compartments and an inner circle.
Simple decoration can be on the first and last folios.
The folios are loose and in disorder.
The final nūn and qāf are not dotted, but the fā is.
The characteristic feature of this script is the existence of a tarwīs on the alif and lām, projecting in most cases to the right but sometimes to the left, as well as the tail on the alif of prolongation.
Fully vocalized African script (Sūdānī) using brown ink.
11 lines per page, brown wove European paper.
- Physical Description
600 unnumbered pages ;
22 x 17 cm
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McGill University