Fragmens philosophiques :
de la Collection d'anciens évangiles, avec trois autres pièces.
- Language(s)
- Published
[France?] : [Producer not identified], [between 1770 and 1780?]
- Note
Three manuscript notes on flyleaf verso, in 2 hands; the first reads: pensées 'non publici saporis' sont des pensées philosophiques qu'on ne doit point faire connaître au peuple. Bayle a employé cette expression; the second reads: il exists deux histories de la vie de Jesu Christ, l'une publiée par Vagensel, et l'autre par Haldrie, ayant pour titre: Sepher Toledos Jesu; the third reads: Kortholt a fait le fameux livre intitulé: De tribus impostoribus magnis liber.
Contemporary stained leather; smooth gilt spine with black leather label; acorn tool in compartments divided by pentaglyph and metope-style, and wave rolls; stone-marbled endpapers; rubbed.
The main part of this collection is copied in a neat hand on 348 pages numbered by hand as found in the manuscript; in another hand, worked over and addended at end less neatly, is "'Vie de Moyse par un anonyme" on 9 unnumbered pages at front, and "Sur les imposteurs en général" on 5 unnumbered pages, inverted, at end; the volume has many blank pages: 6 are between the end of the front title and numbered page 1 (except for a few lines of beginning text on leaf preceding page 1 headed "Quelques reflexions en général sur les legislateurs de l'antiquité"), following page 348 are 80 blank leaves followed by an unnumbered page with table of contents for the 11 titles in the main section, followed by 2 blank leaves, the unnumbered 6 pages of text of the end entry and 2 more blank leaves.
The 10 titles concerning New Testament apocryphal books were first published as "Collection d'anciens évangiles," Londres (probably Amsterdam), 1769, based on French translations of extracts from, as stated in BN, "Codex apocryphus Novi Testamenti de Fabricius, du Spicilegium sanctorum patrum ut et hoereticorum ... de Grabius, des Monumenta Ecclesiae graecae, de Cotelier, et du Trésor des antiquités grecques et romaines de Gronovius et Graevius" (see BN, CCXIV 4205; also Bengesco 1776); later published in collections of the works of Voltaire. Voltaire's "Le dîner du comte de Boulainvilliers" was first published 1767 (see Bengesco 1750; BN, CCXIV 4139).
Part of the J. Patrick Lee Voltaire Collection, acquired by the Library in 2013: item number 2097; acquired by Lee from the Llbreira Antiquària Comellas, Barcelona, 2003, and with this bookseller's listing on printed slip pasted on front pastedown (see Lee inventory binder for this item number).
The volume contains 13 short pieces; the main section consists of 10 titles forming a collection credited to Voltaire of extracts from New Testament apocryphal books, and one work by Voltaire, the 2 other titles are anonymous; all titles are unattributed in the manuscript.
Title devised by cataloguer from binder's title on spine and from content.
- Physical Description
16 unnumbered pages, 348 pages, 92 unnumbered pages ;
21 cm
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McGill University