The complete gard'ner, or, Directions for cultivating and right ordering of fruit-gardens, and kitchen gardens /
by Monsieur De la Quintinye ; now compendiously abridg'd, and made of more use, with very considerable improvements, by George London, and Henry Wise.
- Related Names
Bell, Andrew, -1720?, bookseller.
Wise, Henry, 1653-1738
London, George, -1713
Evelyn, John, 1620-1706, translator.
- Language(s)
- Published
London : Printed for Andrew Bell at the Cros-Keys and Bible in Cornhil, near Stocks-Market, 1701.
- Edition
The third edition, corrected.
- Note
Illustrations: engraved frontispiece, 9 engraved plans outlining designs for gardens.
"An advertisement of J. Evelyn, Esq, to the Folio edition of Monsieur La Quintinye", [4] pages, bound in following page xiv and two contributions by the editors "Advertisement to the nobility and gentry" and 'Some rules for the defence of gardens".
Based on John Evelyn's translation of: Instruction pour les jardins fruitiers et potagers. Cf. Keynes, Evelyn, pages [224]-226.
Errors in pagination.
Signatures: pi1 a⁸ (a7+*²) b⁸ c² B-X⁸ Y⁴ ²Y².
- Physical Description
[2], xiv, [4], xv-xxxv, [1], 48, [2], 35-309, [7] pages, [10] leaves of plates (9 folded) :
illustrations (engravings), plans ;
21 cm (8vo)
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