Diffusion in titanium and titanium alloys /
Rodney P. Elliott.
- Language(s)
- Published
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio : Directorate of Materials and Processes, Aeronautical Systems Division, United States Air Force, 1962.
- Summary
The self-diffusion of Ti and the inter diffusion of Al, Zr, Mo, V, and O in Ti were investigated in the temperature range 600° to 1300° C. Diffusion couples were prepared by roll-bonding or press-bonding techniques. Electron microprobe methods were used to determine the penetration of the substitutionally dissolved solutes; vacuum fusion analysis was used to determine the penetration of interstitially dissolved O. The electron microprobe analysis could not be used to determine the penetration curves of Al in Ti because of the very high absorption of characteristics Al X-radiation by Ti. The self- diffusion of Ti was investigated by studying penetration of Ti⁴⁴, formed by bombarding scandium with protons. Diffusion couples were formed by dissolving Ti⁴⁴- enriched TiO₂ into the Ti.
- Note
"October 1962."
- Physical Description
viii, 70 pages :
illustrations, figures, tables ;
28 cm.
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