Handling qualities in single-loop roll tracking tasks :
theory and simulator experiments /
T.S. Durand and H.R. Jex.
- Language(s)
- Published
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio : Flight Control Laboratory, Aeronautical Systems Division, Air Force Systems Command, United States Air Force, 1962.
- Summary
The systems analysis theory of aircraft handling qualities is applied to the task of closed-loop compensatory roll tracking by ailerons alone, and exploratory experiments in a fixed-based simulator are used to verify and refine the theory. The analysis refines and extends the earlier theory of McRuer and Ashkenas, shows the dominant role of the basic spiral roll mode closure in determining the Dutch roll mode interactions, and describes the implications of these interactions on closed-loop tracking performance, pilot-adopted equalization, and probable handling qualities ratings. The key theoretical parameters evolved are: dominant closed-loop spiral roll mode frequency and damping ratio; average Dutch roll frequency; Dutch roll frequency ratio; uncompensated closed-loop Dutch roll damping ratio; and Dutch roll phase dip. The simulator results corroborated the theory and give specific values for the variation in ratings and performance with these parameters. Certain observations of nonsteady pilot behavior, interaction between input cut-off frequencies and Dutch roll dynamics, effects of other tasks such as step-aileron rolls using ailerons plus rudder, and extrapolation of single-loop results to the multiloop flight situation are discussed.
- Note
"Prepared by Systems Technology, Inc., Inglewood, California."
"AD0293236 (from http://www.dtic.mil)."
"November 1962."
- Physical Description
xi, 77 pages :
illustrations, figures, tables ;
28 cm.
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