Inhibition of flow separation at high speed.
Volume 1,
Supersonic turbulent boundary layers /
Larry L. Lynes, Jack N. Nielsen, Frederick K. Goodwin.
- Language(s)
- Published
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio : Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory, Air Force Systems Command, United States Air Force, 1969.
- Summary
The method of integral relations was successfully applied to compressible nonadiabatic turbulent boundary layers on a flat plate. The theory is designed to accept any desired eddy-viscosity model. A particular eddy-viscosity model was incorporated into the method, and the equations were programmed for application to a flat plate with no pressure gradient. The variations of the skin-friction coefficient with Reynolds number, Mach number, and temperature ratio were calculated using this program, and the results are in good accord with similar results calculated by the Spalding-Chi method and the Rubesin T' method. An analysis was made to predict to what extent turbulent separation of the free-interaction type can be inhibited by means of surface cooling. It was observed experimentally that free-interaction is applicable to separated turbulent boundary layers up to the separation point or beyond. The free-interaction model used in the analysis is based on adding the boundary-layer displacement thickness to the actual body dimensions in calculating the induced pressures. The critical temperature ratios calculated on this basis are generally greater than adiabatic wall temperature except in the supersonic range up to a Mach number approaching 3, where moderate cooling is required to inhibit separation.
- Note
"The work was carried out by Nielsen Engineering & Research, Inc., under Contract No. F33615-67-C-1096, Project No. 8219, Task No. 821902."
"Nielsen Engineering & Research, Inc.,"
"March 1968."
- Physical Description
xii, 53 pages :
illustrations, figures, tables ;
28 cm.