Ziyārat-i ʻĀshūrāʼ
زیارات عاشوراء
- Related Names
Smith, David Eugene, 1860-1944, former owner.
Muslim World Manuscripts (Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library)
- Language(s)
- Arabic
- Published
[Iran?], [17--? - 18--?].
- Subjects
Ḥusayn ibn ʻAlī,
Ḥusayn ibn ʻAlī, /
Ḥusayn ibn ʻAlī, > Ḥusayn ibn ʻAlī, / -680 > Ḥusayn ibn ʻAlī, / -680 / Tomb > Ḥusayn ibn ʻAlī, / -680 / Tomb / Early works to 1800.
Shiite shrines.
Prayer > Prayer / Islam.
Muslim pilgrims and pilgrimages.
Manuscripts, Arabic.
Manuscripts, Arabic.
Tenth of Muḥarram > Tenth of Muḥarram / Prayers > Tenth of Muḥarram / Prayers / Early works to 1800.
Prayer > Prayer / Islam > Prayer / Islam / Early works to 1800.
Shiite shrines > Shiite shrines / Early works to 1800.
Muslim pilgrims and pilgrimages > Muslim pilgrims and pilgrimages / Iraq > Muslim pilgrims and pilgrimages / Iraq / Karbalāʼ > Muslim pilgrims and pilgrimages / Iraq / Karbalāʼ / Early works to 1800.
Iraq > Iraq / Karbalāʼ.
Early works.
Manuscripts (documents)
Stamps (Provenance)
Lacquered bindings (Binding)
Codices (bound manuscripts)
- Summary
Book of prayers to say during visits to sacred sites including during the ʻĀshūrā pilgrimage, when visiting the grave of al-Ḥusayn ibn ʻAlī. Prayers in Arabic with Persian instruction and some translation.
- Note
Shelfmark: MS Or 173.
Origin: Item not dated, likely copied in the mid-18th to mid-19th century.
Decoration: Gold and polychrome illuminated headpiece (f. 1v). Border-rules in red, gold, blue; page-frame ruled in black; lines ruled in gold. Rubrications in red and blue.
Script: Naskh for the Arabic and nastaʻlīq for some Persian; black ink, pointed with Arabic vocalized.
Layout: 11 and 7 lines per page, border-ruled.
Title from headpiece (f. 1v).
Manuscript codex.
Customs stamp dated 1312/1894-95 (f. 1r, 85v) and an undated customs stamp (f. 85v). Owner's stamp (f. 1r).
- Physical Description
7, 78, 15, 9 leaves :
paper, illuminations ;
180 x 112 (118 x 52) mm, bound to 183 x 115 x 14 mm.
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