... Official list of commissioned and other officers of the United States Public health service;
also, a list of all stations of the service...
- Language(s)
- Published
Washington, U.S. Govt. print. off., 18 -19
- Note
At head of title, 1906-1912: Treasury department. Public health and marine-hospital service of the United States.--1913- Treasury department. United States Public health service.--19 Treasury department. Public health service...
Title varies: 18 -18 Official list of medical officers of the U.S. Marine-hospital service, including acting assistant surgeons and hospital stewards; also list of U.S. marine hospitals and quarantine stations; -1909, Official list of commissioned and noncommissioned officers of the Public health and marine-hospital service of the United States; also, list of U.S. marine hospitals, quarantine stations, and quarantine vessels...; 1910-1912, Official list of commissioned and other officers [etc.]; 1913-1918, Official list of commissioned and other officers of the United States Public health service [etc.]; 1920, Official list of commissioned and other officers of the United States Public health service; also list of U.S. marine hospitals, Public health service hospitals, quarantine stations and quarantine vessels; 1922, Official list [etc.] also list of U.S. marine hospitals, Public health service hospitals, quarantine, immigration and relief stations; 1923-1930, Official list [etc.] also list of U.S. marine hospitals, quarantine, immigration, relief stations and quarantine vessels; 1932- Official list [etc.] also, a list of all stations of the service.
- Physical Description
16-23 cm.