L'arte di restituire à Roma la tralasciata nauigatione del suo Teuere :
divisa in tre parti. 1. Gl'impedimenti, che sono nell'alueo del Teuere da Roma à Perugia, e suoi rimedij. 2. Le difficoltà, che sono nella nauigatione del Teuere da Roma sino al mare, e suoi rimedij. 3. Nella quale si discorre perche Roma è stata fabricata, e mantenuta sù le sponde del Teuere, e si tratta d'alcun'altre propositioni proficue per lo stato ecclesiastico. /
dell'ingeniero Cornelio Meyer olandese, dell'Accademia Fisicomatematica Romana.
- Related Names
Wouters, Gomar, 1649-, engraver.
Wittel, Gaspar van, 1652 or 1653-1736, engraver.
Honoratus Polustinus, Io. Bapt. (Ioannes Baptista), engraver.
Falda, Giovanni Battista, approximately 1640-1678, engraver.
Denner, Balthasar, 1685-1749, engraver.
Collin, Io., active 1682-1685, engraver.
Blondeau, Jacques, 1655-1698, engraver.
Bailliu, Barend de, 1641-, engraver.
Innocent XI, Pope, 1611-1689, dedicatee.
Varese, Lazzari, active 1664-1684, printer.
Catholic Church. Camera Apostolica.
- Language(s)
- Published
In Roma : Nella stamperia del Lazzari Varese, MDCLXXXV [i.e. 1685]
- Summary
Work by the Dutch-born hydraulic engineer and inventor who successfully effected the restitution of the Tiber. In three parts, the first section of L'Arte is devoted to the navigation of the Tiber. Meyer diagnosed four main problems: (1) excessive width and shallows in some parts of the river caused by erosion; (2) excessive rapidity of flow; (3) natural and man-made litter clogging the bed; and (4) the number of weirs or dams along the navigable part of the channel. Meyer's solution was to build fascine walls long familiar in his native Holland along the most exposed areas, to canalize and deepen the river, and to use inclined planes for hauling up boats and locks to overcome falls and weirs. Part II treats the stretch of the Tiber between Rome and the sea, advocating the protection of the river's mouth with a system of locks, and describing a number of devices to raise sunken ships and carry out underwater excavation. Part III covers the draining of the Pontine marshes (with Falda's map expressly designed for this purpose), and describes a large number of hydrostatic devices. Cf. Bookseller's description.
- Note
Head- and tail-pieces, initials.
Title vignette.
Some of the etched ill. after Meijer are signed by Barend de Bailliu, Jacques Blondeau, Jean Collin, B. Denner, Giovanni Battista Falda, "Io. Bapt. Honoratus Polustinus," Gaspar van Wittel, Gomar Wouters.
With an added engraved t.p.
Dedicated to Pope Innocent XI.
Bifolium bearing p. [93]-[96] is tipped onto p. [97]. It bears imprint: In Roma, nella stamperia di Nicol'Angelo Tinassi, 1681.
Previously published 1683 by Stamperia della Reverenda Camera Apostolica. It expands on Meijer's preliminary proposals, published by Varese in 1679.
- Physical Description
[184] p. :
ill., maps ;
41 cm. (fol.)
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