Physical and chemical properties of AgI aerosols formed at simulated airborne conditions /
F. P. Parungo ... [et al.].
APA Citation
Parungo, F. P., Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry Laboratory (U.S.)., Environmental Research Laboratories (U.S.). (1975). Physical and chemical properties of AgI aerosols formed at simulated airborne conditions. [Boulder, Colo.: Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Environmental Research Laboratories, Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry Laboratory.
MLA Citation
Parungo, F. P, Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry Laboratory (U.S.), and Environmental Research Laboratories (U.S.). Physical And Chemical Properties of AgI Aerosols Formed At Simulated Airborne Conditions. [Boulder, Colo.: Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Environmental Research Laboratories, Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry Laboratory, 1975.