Epistolae praepositorum generalium ad patres et fratres Societatis Jesu.
- Language(s)
- Published
Antverpiæ : Apud Joannem Meursium, M. DC. XXXV. [i.e. Amsterdam : Jan Schipper, ca. 1650]
- Note
Title vignette (counterfeit of Meurs' device, consisting of a clasped book flanked by two angels and surmounted by a bust of Ignatius, motto below reads "Ad maiorem Dei gloriam."); initial.
Signatures: A-2E⁸ 2F⁴.
Printed for Schipper by Daniel and Louis III Elzevier, Amsterdam.
Ca. 1650 pirated edition by Jan Schipper of Amsterdam; identified by the printer's name printed as 'Joannem Meursium' as opposed to the 'Ioannem Mevrsivm' of the original. Cf. Miert, L. van. 'Een onopgemerkte Elzevierdruk?' Het boek (1923), p. 131-138).
A forgery of the 1635, Jan van Meurs copy, which in its entirety of 16 volumes comprised the first complete edition of the rules, decrees, constitution, etc. of the Society of Jesus. This work was called the "Institutum Societatis Jesu."
Index generalis in omnes libros Instituti Societatis Iesu. Antverpiæ : Apud Ioannem Mevrsivm, 1635 [i.e. Amsterdam : Jan Schipper, ca. 1650]. [Institutum ; 16].
- Physical Description
448, [8] p. ;
16 cm. (8vo)
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Boston College