Climatic summary of the United States ...
Section 15-[18] ... California.
- Language(s)
- Published
[Washington, D.C., 1932-34]
- Note
Sections 15-17, "Ed. by R.J. Martin, Division of climate and crop weather, J.B. Kincer, Chief"; section 18 [1932] "By the Climatological Division, Oliver L. Fassig, Chief."
"Climatic data herein from the establishment of stations to 1930, inclusive."
"This is a revised ed. of a unit in the series, hitherto entitled 'Summary of the climatological data for the United States, by sections.' The several sections have been renumbered, with very few changes of boundaries. The area here covered was designated 'Section 16 [15, 14, 13]' in the preceding editions."
At head of title: United States Department of Agriculture. Weather Bureau. Willis R. Gregg, Chief.
Caption title.
- Physical Description
4 pts. in 1 v.
illus. (maps)