M. Verrij Flacci quae extant et Sex. Pompei Festi De verborum significatione libri XX :
cum vetusto Bibliothecae Farnesianae exemplari Romae nuper edito collati, ex quo lacunae pene omnes sunt suppletae : in eos libros Ant. Augustini annotationes ex editione Veneta, Ios. Scaligeri castigationes recognitae ex Parisiensi, Ful. Vrsini notae ex Romana : accesserunt nunc denique doctissimorum virorum notae ex eorum scriptis hinc inde collectae.
- Language(s)
- Published
[Heidelberg?] : Apud Petrum Santandreanum [i.e. Jerome Commelin?], 1593.
- Note
Includes indexes.
Signatures: [par.]-2[par.]⁸ a-x⁸ A-V⁸ X² 2A-2E⁸ 2F².
Adams' printer index shows Petrus Santandreanus as active simultaneously in Lyon and Geneva, also showing an Officina Santandreana in Heidelberg. However, Baudrier's Bibliographie lyonnaise is silent about the name, as is Benzing, who exhaustively covers German and Swiss printers. BLC assigns this book to Heidelberg as does Adams V592 (though the index, v. 2, page 672, assigns it to the Lyon shop). The title page device is the same as Jerome Commelin's device illustrated in Bigmore & Wyman's A bibliography of printing, v. 1, page 142 (though not the identical block). Commelin was in Heidelberg at this time, having worked until 1587 in the Geneva shop of his relative Petrus Santandreanus, from which apparently arose his custom of imprinting some of his Heidelberg books "Ex Officina Santandreana."
The works of Verrius Flaccus are lost, save for quotations and references to his thought preserved in the writings of others such as Festus and Paulus Diaconus. Such bits are used here (on prelim pages 19-31) to reconstitute his works "quae extant." The main text, however, is an edition of the extant portion of the De verborum significatione of Festus, amplified and explained by Paulus and others.
With: Sexti Pompei Festi De verborum significatione fragmentumSexti Pompei Festi De verborum significatione fragmentum. [Geneva] : Apud Petram Santandreanum., 1593.
Library copy from the Greenleaf Library collected by Johannes Schulze of Prussia.
- Physical Description
[32], CCCIX, [27], LXXV, [11], CCXVI, [26], 84 [that is, 80] pages (the last leaf of unnumbered 27-page section blank) ;
18 cm. (8 vo)
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Northwestern University