Motion sickness susceptibility under weightless and hypergravity conditions generated by parabolic flight /
Earl F. Miller II [and three others].
- Language(s)
- Published
Pensacola, Florida : Naval Aerospace Medical Institute, Naval Aerospace Medical Center, 1969.
- Summary
Motion sickness susceptibility of five labyrinthine-defective (L-D) and 25 normal subjects was tested under the force environments encountered in parabolic flight (0 g and hyper-g). The L-D subjects were uniformly symptomless, while the normal subjects revealed great inter- and intra-individual differences in susceptibility to motion sickness provoked by standardized head movements during: (1) the hypergravic and (2) the weightless phases of the parabolic maneuver while restrained; and (3) the weightless phase while being rotated in a chair. Four of six subjects tested under condition 1 were completely unaffected by the condition while two reacted with symptoms. Condition 2 provoked severe symptoms in five of the twelve subjects tested and moderate symptoms in one. Fifteen subjects tested under condition 3 revealed either a marked increase or decrease in susceptibility to Coriolis acceleration in weightlessness compared to terrestrial baseline measurements. (Author).
- Note
"This study was supported by the Biomedical Research Office, Manned Spacecraft Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration in cooperation with the 6570th Aerospace Laboratories, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio."--title page.
"Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, MR005.04-0031.2 , NASA Order W12,396."--title page.
Joint report of the Naval Aerospace Medical Institute and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.--cover.
"13 January 1969."
- Physical Description
14 pages :
illustrations ;
28 cm.
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