A sixty-minute vigilance task with 100 scoreable responses /
Robert S. Kennedy..
- Language(s)
- Published
Pensacola, Florida : Naval Aerospace Medical Institute, Naval Aerospace Medical Center, 1968.
- Summary
Four forms of a vigilance task were administered over four sessions in counterbalanced order to 16 subjects. Three of the tasks required auditory (1, 2, or 3 tones) and one required visual (3 lights) monitoring. Visual performance was superior to auditory performance which was a function of the number of channels monitored, and performance for the four sessions was asymptotic. Among the different scoring methods used, 'percent correct' had the most common variance. Decrements in performance appeared within 10 minutes in the one- and two-channel auditory tasks. An overall downward trend appeared in the three-channel visual task but was less regular. No systematic change in performance was apparent in the three-channel auditory task. Intratask correlations were high (> .75), while intertest correlations showed only a 20 per cent common variance. (Author).
- Note
"Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, MR005.04-0021.158."--title page.
"16 July 1968."
- Physical Description
10 pages :
illustrations ;
28 cm.
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