1972 Conference on Speech Communication and Processing, April 24-26, 1972 /
Caldwell P. Smith, editor.
- Language(s)
- Published
New York, New York : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, ©1972.
- Note
"This Document may be reproduced for any purpose of the U.S. Government."
"Approved for public release; distribution unlimited."
IEEE Cat. No. 72 CHO 596-7 AE.
Conference jointly sponsored by the IEEE Group on Audio and Electroacoustics and the Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories and represents the withdrawl of the AFCRL from speech research activities at the end of June 1972.
Data Sciences Laboratory Project 4610.
At head of title: "Conference Record."
"22 February 1972."
- Physical Description
xv, 457 pages ;
28 cm.
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