The fourth and finall booke of secretes /
- Language(s)
- Published
Amsterdam : Theatrum Orbis Terrarum ; 1977.
- Note
Includes original title page: A verye excellent and profitable booke containing sixe hundred foure score and odde experienced medicines, apperteyning unto physick and surgerie, long tyme practysed of the expert and Reuerend Mayster Alexis, which be termeth the fourth and finall booke of his secretes, and which in hys latter dayes hee dyd publishe unto a universall benefit, hauing unto that tyme referued it onely unto himselfe, as a most priuate and precyous treasure / translated out of Italian into English by Richard Androse. London : Henry Denham, 1569.
"S.T.C. no.309."
- Physical Description
35 unnumbered pages, 56, 64, 56 pages ;
22 cm.