A simplified method for computing radiative energy loss due to spectral lines :
II. Programs for solar flare models /
Richard C. Canfield.
- Language(s)
- Published
L.G. Hanscom Field, Bedford, Massachusetts : Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories, Air Force Systems Command, United States Air Force, 1974.
- Summary
The paper lists Fortran-IV programs that implement a simplified method for computing radiative loss rates due to spectral lines. As it is planned to apply these techniques to solar flare models, the programs are set up to take into account Lyman alpha, Balmer-alpha and H-, the principal contributors to radiative energy loss in solar flares.
- Note
"Sacramento Peak Observatory Project 7649."
ADA005390 (from http://www.dtic.mil).
"26 March 1974."
- Physical Description
31 pages :
tables ;
28 cm.
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