Pyrotechnia, or, A discovrse of artificiall fire-works :
in which the true grounds of that art are plainly and perspicuously laid downe : together with sundry such motions, both straight and circular, performed by the helpe of fire, as are not to be found in any other discourse of this kind, extant in any language : whereunto is annexed a short treatise of geometrie, contayning certaine definitions and problemes for the mensuration of superficies and sollids, with tables for the square root to 25000, and the cubick root to 10000 latus, wherein all roots under those numbers are extracted onely by ocular inspection /
written by John Babington, gunner and student in the mathematicks.
- Language(s)
- Published
London : Printed by Thomas Harper, for Ralph Mab, 1635.
- Note
Signatures: [fleuron]⁶ A-F⁶ ²A-F⁶ G⁴ (a)-(f)⁶ (G)⁴ (h)⁶ (I)⁴ K-L(198} (M)⁸ N-R⁶.
Ill. in section on fireworks are engravings. The 2 folded plates depict elaborate installations of fireworks, the first on land, the second on sea. Ill. in section on geometry are woodcuts.
"A treatise on geometry" also issued separately.
Second sequence (72 p.) has caption title: A treatise of artificiall fire-works, most of them being invented and approved by the author. Third sequence (80 p.) has caption title: A treatise of geometry, containing sundry definitions and problemes, both pleasurable and useful. Last sequence (200 p.) comprises tables of squares and cubes.
Added engraved t.p. has title: Pyrotechnia, or, A discourse of artificiall fire workes for pleasure ... It is signed: Io Droeshout scul. The border of illustrations incorporates a port. of Babington.
- Physical Description
[14], 72, 80, 200 p., [2] folded leaves of plates :
ill. ;
28 cm. (fol.)
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