Regional water and sewer facilities improvement program :
[Gallatin, Hamilton, Hardin, Pope and Saline counties] /
[John R. Harrington, responsible for the preparation of this report].
- Main Author
- Harrington, John R.
- Related Names
Illinois. Department of Local Government Affairs.
Southeastern Illinois Regional Planning and Development Commission.
- Language(s)
- English
- Published
Harrisburg, Ill. : Southeastern Illinois Regional Planning and Development Commission, 1972.
- Subjects
Regional planning.
Regional planning > Regional planning / Illinois.
Sewerage > Sewerage / Illinois > Sewerage / Illinois / Saline County.
Sewerage > Sewerage / Illinois > Sewerage / Illinois / Pope County.
Sewerage > Sewerage / Illinois > Sewerage / Illinois / Hardin County.
Sewerage > Sewerage / Illinois > Sewerage / Illinois / Hamilton County.
Sewerage > Sewerage / Illinois > Sewerage / Illinois / Gallatin County.
Water-supply > Water-supply / Illinois > Water-supply / Illinois / Saline County.
Water-supply > Water-supply / Illinois > Water-supply / Illinois / Pope County.
Water-supply > Water-supply / Illinois > Water-supply / Illinois / Hardin County.
Water-supply > Water-supply / Illinois > Water-supply / Illinois / Hamilton County.
Water-supply > Water-supply / Illinois > Water-supply / Illinois / Gallatin County.
Illinois > Illinois / Saline County.
Illinois > Illinois / Pope County.
Illinois > Illinois / Hardin County.
Illinois > Illinois / Hamilton County.
Illinois > Illinois / Gallatin County.
- Summary
"This report describes the basic provisions of a water and sewer facilities improvement program instituted by a regional planning commission serving a rural, five-county region in southeastern Illinois. The report commences by relating a list of stated water and sewer objectives to the regional commission's basic regional goals. It then enumerates a series of needed water and sewer facility projects, presents criteria for evaluating individual projects, and using these criteria ranks each project in accordance with its project score. The report then describes the basic ingredients of a short-range development program, consisting of five one-year work programs aimed at gradually surmounting the region's water and sewer deficiencies. Plans for developing a citizen participation structure intended to advise the regional commission on all environmental and water and sewer matters are also revealed. The report additionally describes the regional commission's role as the Substate Clearinghouse (regional A-95 agency) for the five counties it serves."--Preliminary page.
- Note
"Supplements Regional water and sewer needs study ... May 1971."
Sponsoring organization: Illinois Dept. of Local Government Affairs.
Final report.
"February 1972."
Contract/grant no.: Ill. P-307 (1-16).
- Physical Description
x, 23, [5] leaves ;
29 cm.
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