- Language(s)
- Published
[Paris] : Maison Martinet, [1853-1854]
- Subjects
Stowe, Harriet Beecher,
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, /
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, / 1811-1896 /
Caricatures and cartoons.
Nicholas /
Nicholas / I, /
Emperor of Russia,
Nicholas / I, / Emperor of Russia, /
Nicholas / I, / Emperor of Russia, / 1796-1855 /
Caricatures and cartoons.
French wit and humor, Pictorial.
Crimean War, 1853-1856
Crimean War, 1853-1856 /
Caricatures and cartoons.
Uncle Tom (Fictitious character)
Uncle Tom (Fictitious character) /
Caricatures and cartoons.
Salon (Exhibition : Paris, France) (1853)
Salon (Exhibition : Paris, France) (1853) /
Caricatures and cartoons.
Paris (France)
Paris (France) /
Paris (France) / Biography /
Caricatures and cartoons.
Paris (France)
Paris (France) /
Social life and customs
Paris (France) / Social life and customs /
Caricatures and cartoons.
Rebuses /
Rebuses / France /
19th century.
Advertisements /
Advertisements / France /
19th century.
Wood engravings
Wood engravings /
Wood engravings / France /
19th century.
Lithographs /
Lithographs / France /
19th century.
Cartoons (humorous images)
Cartoons (humorous images) /
Cartoons (humorous images) / France /
19th century.
Prints /
Prints / France /
19th century.
- Summary
The second sequence of 38 prints are wood engravings, arranged nine to the sheet in three rows of three, each with a caption beneath. Some are signed GILBERT or C GILBERT, for Cham's usual engraver Charles Gilbert. They are from various series, the titles of which appear at top center of sheets, all of which are vertical in format. Publisher and printer are not given. Series represented: Revue comique de la semaine, par Cham (14); Revue de la semaine, par Cham (2); Croquis variés, par Cham (7); Croquis par Cham (3); La saison des eaux, croquis par Cham, [...no. 2, ...no. 3] (3); La bourse illustrée, croquis par Cham (2); Croquis de carnaval, par Cham (1); Derniers souvenirs du carnaval de 1853, par Cham (1); L'oncle Tom à la recherche d'une nouvelle position sociale, croquis par Cham (1); A propos du steeple-chase, croquis par Cham (1); Première [Deuxième..., Troisième....] promenade à l'exposition, par Cham (3).
The first sequence of 28 prints consists of full-page black crayon lithographs from the series "Actualités," which title appears at top center of each print with series number at top right. Cham's lithographed signature appears within image at lower left or right, together with stone number. The publisher Maison Martinet appears below the double line border, with address in two forms: 116 r. de Rivoli et 41 r. Vivienne; or: r. Vivienne 41 et du Coq 11. The printer is either: Lith. Destouches, 28, r. Paradis Pre. Paris; or: Imp. Ch. Trinocq, Cour des Miracles, 9. The present collection comprises Actualités 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 31(?) 33, 45, 46, 50, 55, 57, 59, 63, 65(?), 66(?), 67, 69, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76. They are bound in no discernible order, apart from the first 17 being horizontal in format, the last 11 vertical.
The prints are from daily issues of Le Charivari rather than from subsequently published albums, as versos are printed with advertisements, announcements, rebuses, concluding text of articles, etc. They are undated, but the years 1853 and 1854 appear in some prints, and are here taken as dates of publication. Subjects include French social life and customs (but not politics); the Crimean War (including personalities such as Nicolas I of Russia, as well as events); Harriet Beecher Stowe, who visited Paris in 1853, the year after Uncle Tom's Cabin was published; the Salon of 1853.
- Physical Description
66 prints :
lithograph, wood engraving ;
sheets 36 x 25 cm