The catalogue of that most valuable and important selection of original paintings, the property of Andrew Wilson :
purchased by him and brought to England from palaces of the first consequence at Genoa : embracing the finest works of those great masters, Claude le Loraine, Annibal Caracci, Agostino Caracci, Ludovico Caracci, Guido Rheni, Titian Vicelli, &c., Rubens, Tintoretto, Van Dyck, Perino del Vaga, Guercino, &c., Mazzolino di Ferrara, Jacomo Puntormo, Andrea Mantegna, Vadder, Dionysius Calvert, &c. /
which will be sold by auction, by order of the proprietor, by Peter Coxe on Wednesday, the 6th day of May, 1807, at twelve o'clock, at Mr Squibb's great room, Saville Passage.



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